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Arbitrage Treasure

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Need to expand your inventory?

Have the capital but not the time to source products?

If you answered yes to either question, Arbitrage Treasure is the solution.

Who's This List For?

This list is for Amazon sellers that:

  • Have at least six months of sales history
  • Have capital but not enough time to source products
  • Need help with sourcing
  • Want extra products to add to their inventory
  • Are ungated in the Beauty & Personal Care, Health & Household, and Grocery & Gourmet categories at a bare minimum

This list is NOT for Amazon sellers that:

  • Have not made their first sale
  • Are still learning how to source inventory and read Keepa charts at a basic level
  • Are not ungated in anything

List Details

  • $97 per month
  • 6-9 leads per day from Monday —> Friday
  • Leads sourced daily 
  • 10 Members max to avoid price tanking (first come, first serve)
  • Minimum Profit $3 per product
  • Minimum ROI 30% per product
  • Each item has its own ESM (Estimated Sales per Month), which is a metric that estimates how many units of an item you could sell in a month if all 10 members on the list were to purchase it and list it at a competitive price.

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$97 a month

Arbitrage Treasure

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